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5 mins read

Baghuvaar - A model village

Madhya Pradesh

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It is an established fact that the real Bharat exist in its villages. It is equally true that it is very hard to locate a real model village. Never less If you visit village Bahuvaar situated in Narsinghpur district of Madhya Pradesh you will find that such an ideal village does exist. In Baghuvaar you will find spick and span roads, an underground drainage system, toilet in every house,  an indoor stadium for sports, and last but not the least “Biogas plant” for cooking gas. There is such a fine harmony in villagers that every single conflict was resolved within the community and no one has approached police station for last so many years. The villagers even contributed with money when the government funding fell short for the construction of school and community hall in this village. They even help building these structures by offering their manual labor.



This miracle does not materialize overnight. All this is a result of Rasthriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s shakhas’ and  Swayamasevaks  efforts for rural development for the last 50 years. 50 years ago Thakur Surendra Singh, Thakur Sangram  Singh and Harishankar Lal and other likeminded youths of this village decided to make their village an ideal one. Drawing  inspiration from the then Sah sarakaryavah Bhaurao Devras they strived steadily and strenuously for the last 50 years. The  effects of their hard work can be seen in the form of the regularly conducted “Prabhat Feri”, motivational quotes written on  walls of each home, or the communal habit of harvesting rainwater. All this has made Baghuvaar a shining example to all others. As a result of this unswerving dedication towards welfare of the village, Thakur Surendra Singh has been elected unopposed for the post of Sarpanch of this village for the last 25 years.

Since 1950, the village development committee of Baghuvaar has been working towards its holistic development. The three- kilometer long road reaching Baghuvaar has been built by the youth of this village. Shri M. P. Narolia, a resident of  Baghuvaar, an agriculture expert, and a third year trained Swayamsevak tells us that his village has never depended solely on government for its development. The villagers contributed an amount of Rs. 1.5 lakhs to the grant provided by Government  for completion of school building and also contributed an amount of Rs. 2.5 lakhs for completion of stop dam across river Bhramari. The construction of stop dam has resolved the issue of irrigation water scarcity for agriculture products. Regular cleaning, construction of soak pits in front of each house, underground drainage system, planting trees and water harvesting  has become the very habit of each Bahguvaar inhabitant.

Cent percent literacy, motivational, educational and character building quotes, on walls of every home leave a deep impression. In forty percent of houses Gobar-Gas is being used as fuel for cooking. The committee members employ  innovative ideas, to maintain quality education and the high attendance ratio of students and teacher at the government  school of this village. Shri Narayan Prasad Narolia, an erstwhile student of this school, a former principal of Shishu Mandir  and a former Director of Agriculture, devotes his time for teaching in this school. Shri Avdhesh Sharma, a former student of this school went on to become a Lieutenant in Indian Army. Some previous students became doctors while three ex-students  have received their doctorate degree. Shri Manish Singh, who has been a collector of Narsinghpur, is so impressed that he  evokes participants aspiring for IAS that they should visit this village prior to their exams. Since then many batches of students have visited Bahguvaar, a role model for villages.


contact :- subhash ji 

contact no:- 7697335610


Shivangi Shrivastava

अगली कहानी