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नियमित अपडेट के लिए सब्‍सक्राईब करें।

5 mins read

And they changed their lives

Uttar Pradesh


Today, Laxmi was feeling cool and comfortable even while waiting for her daughter Mauni under the hot sun. As soon as she arrived Laxmi wiped sweat from her face and hugged and kissed her daughter. Mauni was looking very proud and pretty while holding the trophy in her little hands. How could Lakshmi ever forget that just three years earlier, Mauni used to spread her little hands before every passersby in lanes, by lanes, and outside temples-just for a few coins.

Probably these little hands would have continued begging for a lifetime – if Sevabharti hadn’t taken the responsibility of educating children of that locality. Not just Mauni – but Mohit, Vishal, Meethi, Asha and several others were amongst the children whose destinies were transformed totally, owing to tireless efforts of Sevabharti. The Kapadia locality of Kanpur city in Uttar Pradesh state- was widely known as the locality of beggars. Not just children- but entire families children and adults alike were engaged in begging as there means of livelihood.

However three years earlier, the dedicated women members of Sevabharti began Bal Sanskar centers, Sewing Training and education centers-to make the poor residents of the locality educated and self – reliant. At present, 52 children of this locality are studying in Gurukul Public School- and the entire expenses are borne by the Vivekanand Committee. Shri Vijay Dixit who is a Swayamsevak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and also the convener of the Vivekanand committee revealed that all the children of this locality have given up begging forever.

Panki Kanpur and Sankat Mochan Hanuman temple are so associated with each other that, the very mention of Panki, Kanpur brings the image of temple in front of our eyes, and so this place is also widely known as Pankibaba dham. Just a few kilometers ahead of Pankidham in village Gangaganj there is a unique hamlet comprising of about hundred families known as Kapadia Basti. The whole population had adopted begging as their source of livelihood. the residents used to indulge in quarrels, abuses,consuming alcohol and tobacco, gambling etc. Their future generations probably would have followed their footsteps – had the Bal Sanskar center not been opened there by Sevabharati.

Initially, Sevabharati members had to plead with the women in the locality to send their children to the Bal Sanskar Center but the very same women requested to open the Sewing Training Center and Literacy center in just a passage of two months. When a local lady Veda gave space for a opening a Literacy center at her residence- another lady Sarla gladly agreed to Teach them. Now during the last three years several women have learnt to study Hindi, sign in Hindi, alongside elementary arithmetic. The task was not easy at all. Initially, many people of the locality used to look upon the Matrimandal volunteers with suspicion, and even made fun of them, besides avoiding any conversation with them. However, due to persistent efforts of dedicated volunteers like Tushmul Mishra, Shailja, Kshama ji and many others the first centre was opened on Oct. 22, 2016. The subsequent positive developments were beyond imagination. After acquiring culture based education, the children gave up consumption of tobacco and begging as well.

Children, who wore dirty clothes earlier, started to attend center after taking bath and wearing clean dresses. Pleasantly surprised at this huge transformation, the women of the locality requested the Sevabharati members to impart education and vocational training to them as well. Thus the opening of adult Literacy Centre and Sewing Training Centre- literally changed the lives of people in Kanpadia locality- where many residents gave up begging and became labourers. Some women like Soni, Shivani, Sadhana and many other completed training in Sewing and have now started working at their homes and also in boutiques.

President of Matrimandal Sevabharti Kanpur City- Kshama Mishra stated that alongside education- children of the locality have won prizes in various athletic and sports competitions. In a programme recently, the full rendition of Vande Mataram national song by these children – received huge appreciation from the listeners. She further added that there is a programme of Bhajan every week to keep the women in touch with religion and also with each other. Now instead of quarrelling – these women are seen talking about cooperation with each other for development.

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Subrato Guha

अगली कहानी