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The Last refuge (In the care of Angels)


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We often hear the phrase `God helps those who help themselves`, what we do not hear much, yet know it to be true is that `God cares for those who cannot help themselves`, for we have all felt it at some point in our lives, when God saved us by sending help when we were helpless. Like parents have soft spot for the weakest child in the family, God has a special place in his heart for the helpless. God's love and care reaches the needy through family and friends. But what if even the family and friends have lost hope and shunned the helpless?

After death of her husband, there was no one to care for old and ailing Rajini devi (name changed). Social apathy, neglect and loneliness led her to lose her sanity. For nine years she lived without electricity after it was disconnected due to non payment of bills. Having lived for so long in darkness, when help finally arrived (in the form of Vijaya family) and the lights were turned on, she begged for it to be turned off- having lived in the dark for so long, she was now scared of light.

Garima ji had been declared insane by her family. She used to be kept tied to her bed, fearing bouts of insanity, when all she needed was love and care. She finally found refuge in Vijaya Health and Education society. Mukesh, a 22 year old  orphan-handicap, was left out to fend for his life begging in the streets. He would be banished to this life of suffering had it not been for the Vijaya Health and Education society who took him in.

Vijaya Health and Education society (Vijaya family), runs Sevashram facility in Dongarmatha (a small village, 60 kms from Nagpur). The sevashram takes up cases where there is no hope. The sevashram, affiliated to Rashtriya Seva Bharati, was started by Dr Shashikant Ramteke, a (guest) swayamsevak of RSS, on Feb 1997 in a rented two room house. The doors of Vijaya family are open for both curable and incurable patients. Those who can not be cured are treated with special love and care, following the Bhartiya tradition of "Seva Paramo Dharma" (service is highest form of religion). After they pass away, their last rites of passage are conducted in full with due respect like a real family would by the Vijaya family.

The refuge does not ask for age, caste or religion. It is a unique facility wherein 301 patients, 3 years old to 98 years old, are being cared for. However, the 22 year old journey of Vijaya family has not been an easy one. Dr Shashikant recounts of how he had to face insults and disdain. He ran from pillar to post, but no one really understood the quest for defending dignity of those so helpless as to defend it by themselves. Even the government only saw the effort as another old-age home facility. But, years of persistence has finally paid off. The sevashram which started in a rented two bedroom house is now a facility spread across 13000 square feet, with 20 serviced rooms, caring for 31 patients.

Shreemati Nishigandha Ramteke, has stood fast with Dr Shashikant Ramteke all these years, loving and caring for the patients like a mother and serving them like a nurse. She sums up the her feelings by saying, "It matters not what the patients did or how they were before they came to the sevashram, but once they become part of the family, we will never leave them to lie/ wallow in their own feces".

Doctors all over the world do commendable jobs healing patients and saving lives. But what makes Dr Shashikant Ramteke's work (Vijaya Health and Education society) truly remarkable is that he works not only with patients who can be cured, but also cares for those who have no hope.

When helpless sufferers are abandoned even by their family and friends, God finds a way, to reach to the incurable, helpless sufferers, devoid of any hope, through angles like Dr Shashi Ramteke and Shreemati Nishigandha Ramteke. True angels, doing God's work, bringing love and care, and defending the dignity of most helpless brethrens, they have given 22 years of their lives. The Vijaya family provides the last refuge to those who have been shunned even by their very own families.


Dr. Yuvraj Krishna Rana

अगली कहानी