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नियमित अपडेट के लिए सब्‍सक्राईब करें।

5 mins read

The story of Bravery

Madhya Pradesh


The doctors’ is that group of humans who go through the most divergent and sometimes startling experiences that keep testing them. And today was the toughest test of Dr. Rishi’s life. The children’s ward of Chatarpur District Hospital (M.P.) caught fire, risking the lives of 23 babies. Present on the duty at that time, was Dr. Rishi Dwivedi, a pratham varsha shikshit Swayamsevak. Without a thought about his own life, Dr. Rishi showed massive courage to save these 23 babies from the wild fire that could have ended the innocent lives.

Until 7pm on 11th july, everything was routine in the district hospital. The crying noise from the babies’ ward was keeping it lively. Suddenly the AC in the ward was seen to catch fire and the electricity went off. Dr. Rishi Dwivedi, the doctor on duty, immediately understood the need of the hour and began terminating the fire with the extinguisher. But the fire had taken a dreadful face which was out of the extinguisher’s capacity to end it. The smoke started occupying everywhere and caused suffocation. The nurses Sangeeta and Jaya feared of the situation and willed to find a way out for themselves. But the swayamsevak part of Dr. Rishi was not ready to give up. He remembered the Geet taught in Shakha which insisted him to be and act responsible. He asked the nurses to give him some helping hands and together they started shifting the newborns to other wards. Looking at his bravery, other people also turned up to help and shortly all babies were safely put out of that ward.

Dr. Rishi’s father Vipin Bihari ji was a bauddhik pramukh in Mahoba. Also, his elder brother has worked as a pracharak of Sangha for 5 years. Dr. Rishi says that all he could do in that hard time is the result of sangha sanskaras.


Veda Amshekar

अगली कहानी