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5 mins read

Miracle In the Mountains

Himachal Pradesh


Himalayas have always been mysterious-an eternal escape for mystics, monks, adventurers and tourists alike-for time immortal. In these mountainous terrains live celestial creature called-Snowfall, which has two faces. One is Divine and another is Devilish! With the Divine face it invites tourists for heavenly experience with Devilish face it mocks on the natives with every reason to make their lives a misery. Go to some remotely located mountain village such as Pangi and Vayaara, located In the Himalayan state of India, Himachal Pradesh , and this irony would be visible to you. Every year, heavy Snowfall used to put life on a halt in both the Pangi (20 km. away from Chamba district) and Vayaara (50km. away from Shimla district) for almost 9 months. No employment, no medical facilities, no educational infrastructure, no regular food supply from outside, no electricity, absolutely nothing what we get so easily in the low altitude regions.

But as we said in the beginning- Mountains are mysterious- thus miracles do happen here! Let’s begin with two youths of Pangi and Vayaara village. Life of Bajiru Ram (Pangi) and Adarsh (Vayaara) was a complete void. Until 2012 when Himachal Sewa bharti established Vivekanand Hostel in the region both of them didn’t ever seen the face of any school. But they have never looked back since they come here. Bajiru Ram got 90% marks in 12th class. Today they are pursuing graduation. Similarly in Ludhbara village Vinod Agarwal, local district president Sewabharti and Ashok ji found two orphan girls Rimpi and her little sister with no means to survive. The girls were adopted by the Sewabharti. Today both the sisters are well settled. In the adjoining area, a poor lady named Pawana and her four children caught the attention of Sewabharti volunteers Dr. Tilakraj and Joginder Singh Rana. Pawana and her children were suffering from Physical Dystrophy, a disease that cause progressive weakness and loss of muscle mass and left it’s victim nothing more than a cripple in glum. Sewabharti took the responsibility of this family of five and ensured that they will get the best treatment available for their disease.

In 1998, a terrible bus accident, near Kangra, caused massive loss of human life due to severely insufficient medical facilities available in this hilly region. Local  cadre of Sewabharti vowed to change the scenario. With the efforts of then local Sewabharti president Ramsukh  Gupt eventually, in 2005,two ambulance were procured by the organization. Today both of these ambulances are fully equipped with oxygen cylinder and other medical facilities. Sewabharti also set up can be sitting in stalks with ‘May I Help You' booths just around the Kangra Medical College. Every morning volunteers of Sewabharti  distribute free tea and toasts to patients and attendants in the medical college campus. Wheelchair and warm bedding is also provided to the needy patients by the Sewabharti.

Not only for natives but for tourists too Sewabharti proving itself an angelic boon herein this Himalayan region. Croatian tourist Jorica Kaha came here to see the magnificent beauty of Himalayas but in Dharamshala he suddenly got sick. Despite all the efforts of volunteers of Sewabharti Jorica died. In the absence of his family Sewabharti volunteers carried out his last rites with full honor and handed over his urn to officials of Croatian embassy. Today Sewabharti with an array of its educational establishments, self help groups, vocational training centers and many other initiatives doing the miracle and melting down the rigid ice that made the lives of mountain people a real misery


Ambrish Pathak

अगली कहानी