सब्‍सक्राईब करें

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नियमित अपडेट के लिए सब्‍सक्राईब करें।

Echoes of Bamboos


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At every step of life, glorious and blossoming mother nature guides it's progeny to the path of self reliance and dignity. Everyone must have heard murmuring of leaves, muttering of flowers, whispering of woods, earth and mighty mountains, echoing their desire to be transformed into more useful and exquisite artifacts like rugs, disposable plates, earthen utensils for cooking, wooden statues, garlands for deities and festivals. The joyful nature wants to rekindle the spirit of artisans, she presents herself in different ways to teach us self-esteem, independence and resilience.

Among these diverse voices there is a distinct sound from a graceful, tall, green tree adorning shapely sharp leaves. You guessed it right! It is indeed the magnificent Bamboo tree.

Bamboo is integral part of Assamese traditions and culture. Numerous useful and decorative products are created from this magical plant. It's ability to mould itself in various beautiful forms has always mesmerized human mind.

Mr. Avinash Hazarika of Sewa Bharti understood this phenomenon. He trained himself to become manufacturer of bamboo products, and this became his vocation. He associated himself with Sewa Bharti in 2009 and since then he has extensively imparted his skill to thousands of people. As time passed, these people became skilled artisans, and started participating in various exhibitions and became self-reliant. Their creativity is evident in more than 20 products. Many ideas for new items are in pipeline.

Ms. Nagen Latika and Ms Romen Hazarika assisted Mr. Avinashji in Sewa Bharti's program under "Panchajanya Cottage Industries" in Jorhat of Assam. These instructors braved steep mountains and dense forests to conduct training programmes in electricity deprived remote villages. They diligently imparted their skill of transforming bamboo into art forms.

Due to their commitment and hard work, large numbers of people have learnt this art and have taken advantage of the same. Their workshops have yielded a profit of more than Rs 50 lakhs to self-employed artisans. More than 60 villages are part of this group. The group proudly displays and sells its produce not only in local markets but in Saurashtra Mela, Apna Trade Fair, Bihu Mela, Assam Mela and various other exhibitions and trade centers as well. This exposure has made them self-reliant and has instilled great sense of dignity.

Ms. Nagen Kalita relates an inspirational tale of a young unemployed graduate named Pranab Jyoti Changmayi. He had left no stone unturned to find a job and wanted to fulfill his duties towards his ageing parents but nothing seemed to go in his favour. To his good fortune he came to know about bamboo workshop being conducted by Sewa Bharti. He took this as an opportunity and enrolled himself in workshop. This decision opened new doors of opportunities for him. Diligently and patiently, he finished his training and since then his creativity knows no bounds. In collaboration with "Panchajanya Cottage Industries", his work has been part of many exhibitions. This skill has given him confidence, dignity and means to earn. Presently his income is around fifteen thousand rupees per month.

Traditionally bamboo products are crafted by women in every household of Assam, but due to lack of commercial knowledge it never got a place in market, and got lost behind closed doors of homes. However, when Sewa Bharti presented opportunity of training in villages of Majuligaun, Golaghat and many more, then women came shoulder to shoulder with men to learn and earn. They took keen interest in learning the skill as well as business and busted the myth that women could not contribute in economy. Now they could earn their own money and did not depend solely on husband's income. One such artisan is Ms Deepshikha Barsutiya. She earns ten thousand rupees per month and has a sense of accomplishment. Buyers show keen interest in products produced by village ladies. These training workshops have made them self-supporting and have given them a new identity.

An ideal action plan can show path to thousands of people. Since 2019 Sewa Bharti's Cannon Bamboo Craft Programme in Meghalaya is doing the same. The Programme imparts training and has trained more than 250 people in Nonipara Village. Nonipara village boasts of a very proficient training center. 200 families from fifteen villages have benefited from it. 'Sanghatan Mantri' of Daru Hills  Vibhag of Sewa Bharti explains that they guide villagers as to how their products can be launched in global markets, how they can carve a name for themselves, and live with dignity. Sewa Bharti is tirelessly working in giving these products of bamboo, a place in the global market.

Contact :– Avinash Hazarika

Mo.No:- +91 70021 13491,94358 97848


Smt Manjula Upadhayay

अगली कहानी